Proper disposal thanks to the barcode

Why is “trash” called “trash”, because Heinrich invented the trash cans? Do you believe this? You are right: that is complete nonsense.

In France, the trash can is called “Poubelle” and used in everyday language. Eugène Poubelle , a French official of the late 19th century, is the inventor of waste separation. In order to improve the hygienic conditions in Paris, he issued a decree in 1883. This obliged the homeowner to provide their tenants with lockable containers for their household waste. Glass, porcelain shards and oyster shells had to be collected separately from the rest of the household waste.

Poubelle deserves to know that his name has become the common name of the trash can in the French language.

And now he has become the patron of the name again – actually the patron saint. “Eugène” is the smart waste container developed by the French start-up Uzer. Complete with a barcode scanner. If you want to dispose of an empty package, read the barcode. The device then identifies the product and says on screen exactly what collection containers the trash belongs.

From June 2017 the first copies will be available.

Image source and further information: Uzer