Sato TH2 Portable Printer


  • Portable, Battery Operated
  • Real-Time Calendar for Date Coded Labelling
  • Wide and Adjustable LCD Screen Display
  • Easy File Transfer / Update of Product Lists
  • Multiple Language Printing and Display
  • Supports 2D Barcode Printing
  • Multiple Interface – USB / LAN
  • Compact


  • Retail
  • Fast food restaurants
  • Full service restaurants

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Available Documents

Data Sheet TH2 printer 22102013

    Zebra LI4278 Bar Code Scanner

    LI4278 Barcode Scanner

    The LI4278 takes 1D bar code scanning to the next level, allowing workers to scan faster and farther. Workers can capture virtually any 1D bar code, including the typical bar codes that are printed on paper labels; electronic bar codes displayed on the screen of a mobile phone, tablet or computer that allows retailers to easily process loyalty cards, mobile coupons and more; and the high density (HD) bar codes commonly used in electronic component manufacturing. 100 percent UPC bar codes can be captured from near contact to over 30 in./76.2 cm away, while 200% UPC codes can be scanned at 55 in./139.7 cm away.

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    Zebra DS9808 Bar Code Scanner

    Achieve a new level of productivity and throughput at the checkout stand with the DS9808 from Zebra. This groundbreaking scanner is designed from the inside out to bring a new level of versatility, functionality and performance to the checkout stand. Outside, the DS9808 offers an extraordinary one-of-a-kind hybrid form factor that marries a solid base with our advanced handheld ergonomics. The integrated base requires very little real estate at the point of sale — ideal for space constrained checkout stands. And inside, the DS9808 offers the very latest in scanning technology, delivering record swipe speeds for 1D and 2D bar codes, as well as the ability to capture images and signatures.

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    Zebra DS4800N Compact Laser Scanner

    Zebra DS4800N Compact Laser Scanner

    DS4800 is an industrial laser scanner combining flexibility and compactness thus satisfying all application needs of the production plant.
    Through the smart focus adjustment DS4800 optimizes the performances based on the reading distance. This extends the reading area and
    improves the overall read rate.


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    X1Jet HP MK2

    Independent print system with HP technology Small and compact Control system and print head in one Simple and intuitive 3-button operation with LED control lamps for user-friendly system control SmartCard function for the automatic recognition and storage of ink levels Cost-efficient introductory system Variable controls via interface Simple layout and parameter transfer using a USB stick

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CTA Form