Blank Smart Cards

These types of cards can be used in a wide range of applications including public transport for fare payment, access control, cashless vending, parking, loyalty, electronic purse, gambling, road toll, student, employee IDs in government and corporate environments, e-passports and other secure travel documents, and cards for cashless payment.

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    ARMOR – Thermal Transfer Ribbon APR6


    APR®6 is the standard wax/resin ribbon of the ARMOR range: very versatile, it has been conceived to print all kinds of self-adhesive labels at the lowest heat settings. It also provides a higher level of mechanical resistance compared to the wax ribbons.

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    Thermal cleaning cards remove the most stubborn burnt on paper particles and adhesive residue. They are designed to safely clean thermal print heads, guide paths, rollers and reader heads.

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    Vitamin Labels

    Vitamin labels

    An eye-catching label plus important info. If you have ever looked down the vitamin aisle at your local store, you can see that the different products are branded by color and label design. People need to trust their vitamin and supplement supplier so your label needs to reflect quality as well as contain the important information needed to use the product safely and effectively.

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    EASYMARK – Standard Wax

    EASYMARK is the standard Weber wax ribbon which delivers consistent print
    quality on any kind of paper label materials. It prints high density legible
    barcodes and traceability data for short life labeling needs.

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