Barcode app for vegans

Vegan or not vegan – this is the question. With the barcode app from Codecheck, this can be found quickly and easily. Anyone who has the app on their smartphone simply scans the barcode printed on the product and immediately learns whether it is free of animal substances or not.

Barcode App: healthier shopping

“Can contain traces of protein” – which is not a problem for most people, is an absolute “no go” for vegans. In their diet and lifestyle, they cannot eat anything that is of animal origin. This can be quite exhausting when shopping, since the contents on each package must be thoroughly studied before the product is allowed into the shopping cart.

With Codecheck’s Barcode App, vegans can now quickly see if there are animal traces in a product. So far the app only gave people with a lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance in the product jungle.

Codecheck has collated countless products in its database at and its contents. If a product is critical to a particular target group due to certain ingredients, this is indicated. A traffic light system and an explanation of what ingredients are contained within the product help the consumer to quickly detect any problems with their selected product.